Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Books

We found some fun, new books that both the kids like to read.  It's not hard to find something Taylor likes to read, but Logan is another story.

The "Cork & Fuzz" books (there are several of them) by Dori Chaconas are sweet and funny.  The kids love them.  They can both read them in one sitting or divide it between a couple of days (but they general like the book so much, they keep reading until it's done).  

The books center on the friendship of two animals, Cork, a short muskrat and Fuzz, a tall possum.  They appear to be complete opposites, but then discover that they have a lot in common.  Every book makes us laugh out loud.  So if you've got young readers, especially those that are starting to read on their own, check out "Cork and Fuzz," literally, at your library.  That's where we found ours.

On a completely different topic, Taylor.  Taylor, Taylor, Taylor.  That girl is in such a hurry to grow up.  No, not really.  She's in a hurry to BE a grown-up.  The other day, she told me that when she was a mommy and had kids of her own, she would put them all in swimming lessons at the SAME time.

I said something like, "Well, I'm sorry we can't do that.  When you get married, just make sure you marry someone who is serious and hardworking.  That way, he'll do well in school, get a good job and be able to provide for you and your children."

Then I continued, "But you want someone who is fun to be around too, not too serious all the time.  Like Daddy, he works hard at school, but he makes us laugh all the time too."

I guess my little spiel about husbands was too complicated because she responded with, "Or I could marry Cade, he just lives across the street."  Cade is a little boy who is 5 years old and does live across the street.

So if you can't find the right combination of serious and fun, just marry the boy across the street.  

That's not what I was going for.  So much for teaching moments ALL the time. 

Now we're off to Taylor's first dance class, a little princess/ballerina class.  She's been waiting sooooo long for this too.  I'm taking my camera


me/mom/NANA said...

I love your teaching moments. Have fun at dance class, Taylor.

Elizabeth said...

I love some of the things kids come up with... Thanks for the tip on the books. I'll have to see if our library has them.